
1.不同於傳統的粉筆+黑板和投影儀,Vdink交互式智能白板不僅具備多媒體功能,還具備觸摸屏功能。 老師在大屏幕上書寫、展示和提問,融圖、文、聲、圖於一體。 信息產品的應用使教師改變傳統的教學模式和方法成為可能。 Vdink教室白板觸控顯示交互面板白板
2、在這樣的智慧教室裡,學生告別了只能通過單調的文字和圖片獲取知識的時代。 知識變得更加有趣,學習的興趣提高了,學生自然地掌握和學習了知識,教學效果顯著提高。 Vdink教室白板觸控顯示交互面板白板
3. The changes brought about by the smart classroom are not limited to this. Students can participate in classroom activities in a variety of forms such as rushing answers and leaving messages. By creating interesting scenes, complex and abstract concepts become vivid, fully igniting children’s enthusiasm for learning, making them more active in and participating in the classroom, and truly becoming a protagonist of classroom. Vdink white boards for class rooms touch display interactive panel whiteboard

