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Vdink digital signage touch screens outdoor electronic signs kiosk system

1. Izibukeli zokuqukethwe komshini wokukhangisa onamandla amakhulu okuthuthuka esikhathini esizayo ikakhulukazi ngabancane, abasezingeni eliphakathi, namaqembu afunde kakhulu. Ngenxa yokuthi la maqembu anamandla okuthenga anamandla kanye nethonya elinamandla lemakethe, ikusasa lemishini yokukhangisa linamandla amakhulu okuthuthukiswa.
2. The advertising machine is based on high technology, and must have certain technical support in the implementation of sales.
3. Compound talents who are proficient in advertising machine operation, computer technology, video editing, image processing, etc. are required to have a competitive advantage in the future market.
