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I-Vdink interactive whiteboard electronic smart board yegumbi lenkomfa

1. For people in the workplace, using meetings for team discussions and decision-making is an important part of their daily work. From corporate decision-making, strategic discussions, to small project presentations, product design, etc., conference discussions play a very critical role. However, in the process of meeting discussions, I
sebenzisa omakhalekhukhwini ukuxhumana namakhasimende nsuku zonke. Imibhalo eminingi igcinwa ngqo kumakhalekhukhwini futhi ayikwazi ukubukwa esikrinini esikhulu. Ngakho-ke, kudla isikhathi futhi kuyakhandla ukubuyela emuva naphambili
ukuqondisa imibhalo ngaphambi komhlangano. Ithebulethi yenkomfa ikuxazululela kahle lezi zinkinga.I-Vdink interactive whiteboard electronic smart board yegumbi lenkomfa.
2. Amagajethi amaningi asebenzayo nasondelene engeziwe kuthebhulethi yenkomfa. Akwenzi nje kuphela ukudlulisa ifayela isinyathelo esisodwa ngokushesha, kodwa futhi kunciphisa ukucindezela kwengqondo “yokwesaba komphakathi”, iqhaza ngenkuthalo ekusebenzelaneni, futhi kuthuthukise ukusebenza kahle komhlangano.I-Vdink interactive whiteboard electronic smart board ekamelweni lenkomfa.
3. Three practical functions: file quick transfer, voting and sticky notes.Vdink interactive whiteboard electronic smart board for conference room.
