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Vdink electronic whiteboard ibhodi elincane lesikrini sokuthinta iphaneli esebenzisanayo

1. Ngezici zokubhala ngokuthinta, ukuboniswa kwesikrini okungenantambo, isitoreji samafu, nokwabelana kwesikrini esikhulu, amaphilisi enkomfa ahlakaniphile anamandla kade asetshenziswa ezimweni ezihlukahlukene zenkomfa. Kodwa yenza okungaphezu kwalokho.I-Vdink electronic whiteboard encane ibhodi lesikrini sokuthinta iphaneli esebenzisanayo.
2. The “Sign-in” application of the smart conference tablet can enhance the fun of the venue and play new tricks! First, the welcome page background board can be set up through the smart conference tablet, so that the agents present can use the smart pen or finger high-precision touch signature to write as a sign-in method. Agents create a unique check-in experience.Vdink electronic whiteboard small touch screen board interactive panel.
3. Ithebhulethi yenkomfa nayo ingadlala indima yayo eyingqayizivele. Ngezinhlobo ezahlukene zelotho ezifana ne-turntable enkulu, abasebenzi bebhizinisi abasendaweni bangabamba iqhaza kulotho ngokusebenzisana ngokuskena ikhodi ye-QR.
