Vdink top digital signage interactive touch screen display android kiosk

1. Zaminli reklama mashinasi erga joylashtirilgan va uning moslashuvchanligi nisbatan yuqori. Reklama mashinasi uchun pozitsiyani ko’chirish yoki yo’nalishni o’zgartirish juda qulay.
2. Put the advertising machine on the ground, keep the back of the advertising machine and the wall with a certain gap space, which is conducive to the heat dissipation of the advertising machine and prolong the service life of the advertising machine.
3. Tozalash oson, LCD reklama mashinasi to’g’ridan-to’g’ri erga joylashtiriladi va tozalash uchun ancha qulayroq bo’ladi.
