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Vdink conference room signage self service kiosk digital signs for businesses

1. The advertising machine can enhance the atmosphere and make the information display more vivid and vivid. If your company’s day-to-day operations just need a common atmosphere, then advertising machines will be the best choice.
2. Habka gudbinta macluumaadka dhijitaalka ah ee mishiinka xayaysiisku waxa uu hubinayaa wakhtiga gudbinta macluumaadka, taas oo ka dhigi karta isgaadhsiinta macluumaadka ee shirkadda, ha ahaato xidhiidhka dibadda ee macaamiisha ama xidhiidhka gudaha ee shaqaalaha.
3. You can choose the content you need to play at will, from news channels to social network video sources, advertising pictures – unlimited choices, at the same time, you can present all the content you need on the same screen.
