Vdink digital signage open source kiosks advertising player digital menu board

1. Scrolling notification display: Horizontal scrolling text characters can be displayed at the bottom of the screen, which is convenient for various occasions where text notification is required. The display content can be updated at any time through the host computer (Media Server).
2. Tsigira RSS nhau dzekudya: Inogona kungoerekana yabatana neSina, Sohu, CNN uye mamwe mawebhusaiti kuti uwane nhau dzenguva chaiyo, iyo inoratidzwa munzvimbo yekupurudzira yekuzivisa pazasi pechidzitiro.
3. Yakawanda yekudzora mirairo: gadzira mapoka uye emushandisi maakaundi / tamba / mira / vhoriyamu marongero / batidza nekudzima vhidhiyo inobuda / restart / shutdown / fomati CF kadhi / tumira mameseji zviziviso / tumira RSS nhau / tumira playlist / tumira otomatiki dhawunirodha uye tamba. mirairo / verenga chimiro cheCF kadhi, huwandu, zita refaira, nezvimwe.
