Vdink outdoor digital signage displays touch screen monitor android kiosk

1. The popularity of advertising machines has added another way to display advertising. The form of advertising has begun to change from outdoor large screens to indoors, and the functions of LCD advertising machines are also increasing.
2. Makina otsatsa amatha kufalitsa zidziwitso zosiyanasiyana; monga mawu, mawu amsonkhano wamakanema, zithunzi ndi zidziwitso zina, zitha kupanga zotsatsa zosazindikira komanso zosasangalatsa kukhala zowoneka bwino komanso zaumunthu.
3. Makina otsatsa ali ndi ntchito zambiri ndipo angagwiritsidwe ntchito m’masitolo akuluakulu, makalabu, mabwalo, mahotela, mabungwe a boma ndi mabanja. Zotsatsa zake ndizothandiza, zimasinthidwa mwachangu, ndipo zomwe zili patsamba lino zitha kusinthidwa nthawi iliyonse.
