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Vdink publicidad dokam-barotra milalao fitaovana ivelany lcd mampiseho totem LED

1. Advertising machine is a new generation of intelligent equipment that uses standard LCD monitors and LCD TVs to realize information display and video advertisement playback through networking and multimedia system control. Vdink publicidad advertising playing equipment outdoor lcd displays totem led
2. The advertising machine needs the support of the multimedia playback system of the networked advertising machine. The networked advertising machine multimedia playback system adopts the intelligent management module on the player side to realize the remote management and control of the player, and realizes the complete network protocol and remote management and control functions on the server side. Vdink publicidad advertising playing equipment outdoor lcd displays totem led
3. The advertising machine can realize flexible management of remote terminals, multimedia playback quality is not restricted by bandwidth, channels are not restricted by servers, there can be as many channels as you want, and even each terminal has an independent channel. Vdink publicidad advertising playing equipment outdoor lcd displays totem led

