Vdink led notete 交互式落地触摸显示屏白板 移动白板

1、终端会议服务需求升级,交互式电子白板市场快速发展。 尤其是今年,受新冠病毒疫情影响,在线办公、远程会议/教育等智能交互产品需求大增。 Vdink led notete 交互式落地触摸显示屏白板 移动白板
2、传统的会议/教育一体机采用液晶面板。 LCD技术成熟,机身轻薄,价格便宜,在中小市场具有较大的竞争优势。 Vdink led notete 交互式落地触摸显示屏白板 移动白板
3. However, when it is applied to super-large size, the cost of LCD starts to soar, and the LCD splicing screen will have a seam problem, which affects the visual perception, and the LCD panel is no longer the best choice. Vdink led noete interactive floor touch display whiteboard mobile whiteboard

