Vdink elektron doskasi sinf uchun interaktiv sensorli ekranli doska

1. Click the tick button on the right side of the electronic conference tablet after recording to display a QR code. Scan the code to take away the recorded meeting audio, which is very convenient.Vdink electronic whiteboard display interactive touch screen whiteboard for classroom
2. Elektron konferentsiya plansheti fayllarni bir vaqtning o’zida ko’p odamlar tomonidan bir qurilmaga yuborishi mumkin. O’tkazish usuli oddiy va tezdir. Vdink elektron doskasi sinf uchun interaktiv sensorli ekranli doska
3. In the electronic conference tablet, participants only need to pick up their mobile phones and scan the QR code on the screen of the smart conference tablet all-in-one machine, and then they can send documents online, and it only takes 3 seconds to send a picture.Vdink electronic whiteboard display interactive touch screen whiteboard for classroom

