Vdink智能板價格觸摸屏顯示器交互式面板pizarron infantil

1.威丁克商用秉承“簡單易參與”的會議理念,推出了集遠程視頻會議、智能白板書寫、高清投屏、多功能於一體的下一代會議標杆——威丁克智能會議平板。 -終端交互功能。 突破傳統會議的繁瑣束縛,為企業數字化升級提供ALL IN ONE解決方案。
2.The VDINK commercial series adopts a new complete set of industrial design solutions to realize a complete set of industrial design solutions including smart screens, carts, writing pens, and screen projectors. A unified design language allows the entire set of products to echo each other.
3.When the traditional commercial large-screen wireless projection screen supports a single file format, can only be used for display purposes, and cannot be connected to multiple devices at the same time, VDINK commercial smart giant screen not only supports a variety of file formats, but also has an annotation function, which can meet the needs of many people. At the same time share the needs of the large screen.
