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Vdink నిలువు పంటల ప్రచారం ఇంటర్నెట్ ప్రకటన బహిరంగ ప్రకటనలు

1. The intelligent advertising machine can also provide applications such as big turntable lottery, event check-in, and small games to interact with customers, which can activate the atmosphere of the event and attract fans for the public account, flexibly switch functions according to the needs of the store, and switch the playback content at any time. Don’t miss out on marketing at the same time!Vdink vertical pantallas publicidad internet advertising outdoor advertising
2. The intelligent advertising machine can provide an online e-commerce system, create virtual shelves, display goods across the board, automatically push products, and customers can buy online by themselves, increasing store turnover.Vdink vertical pantallas publicidad internet advertising outdoor advertising
3. Advertising machines can be connected to smart sensors, advertisers can not only track clicks, conversion rates, and even the flow of people in different time periods, so that the delivery effect is more directly and controllable, and marketing strategies can be adjusted at any time.Vdink vertical pantallas publicidad internet advertising outdoor advertising

