Vdink conference room display solutions smart board for sale liveboard online

1. Pikeun tujuan komunikasi anu efisien, papan tulis éléktronik interaktif ngahijikeun sareng ngalengkepan rupa-rupa persiapan sateuacan, salami sareng saatos rapat, nyederhanakeun persiapan pajeulit pikeun rapat, sareng nyéépkeun langkung seueur pamikiran kana burst inspirasi, sareng karasaeun langkung cerdas sareng efisien. . pasamoan anyar experience.Vdink kamar konferensi solusi tampilan dewan pinter pikeun diobral liveboard online
2. The interactive electronic whiteboard directly uses the board shortcut toolbar to complete display content magnification, spotlight, screen blocking, viewing snapshots, viewing blackboard writing, screen calibration, and using custom basic functions to call computer applications or access settings at any time. specified webpage.Vdink conference room display solutions smart board for sale liveboard online
3. The basic functions of interactive whiteboard display capture, layer technology, and graphic writing; turn static graphics into dynamic ones, which are more vivid. It is also possible to replay the actual operation content to improve the level and quality of teaching.Vdink conference room display solutions smart board for sale liveboard online

