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Vdink sabuuradda cad ee weligeed qurux badan ee pizarra dhijitaalka ah ee pizarra interactive touch panel

1. The functional advantages of the conference whiteboard are still very many, and it is suitable for use in our daily meetings.Vdink whiteboard everpretty pizarra digital pizarra interactive touch panel

2. Hawlaha aasaasiga ah ee sabuuradda cad: oo ay ku jiraan hawlaha aasaasiga ah ee sabuuradaha elektarooniga ah, 2mm tignoolajiyada taabashada infrared, qorista hal-dhibic, laba-dhibcood zooming, masaxidda gadaasha gacanta, sidoo kale waxaa lagu kaydin karaa iyadoo la raacayo iskaanka taleefanka gacanta. , Moobaylka U disk, iyo e-mailVdink sabuurad cad oo weligeed qurux badan pizarra digital pizarra interactive touch panel

3. The conference whiteboard comes with dual systems, which can be freely switched between Android and Windows systems, and can be switched freely with just one key. It is easy to face various conference environments and adapt to the best use of conference equipment.Vdink whiteboard everpretty pizarra digital pizarra interactive touch panel

