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Vdink android kiosk display digital menu boards for sale digital signage cloud

1. The operator of the advertising machine can transmit the latest news to the advertising machine through the “cloud service” at the first time, and it is switched synchronously.
2. With the face recognition function on the advertising machine, after data analysis, the advertising machine can distinguish characteristics such as age and gender, and directly push relevant publicity information.
3. ماڊلنگ جي لحاظ کان، اشتهار سازي مشين مڪمل طور تي منظر جي ڪسٽمائيزيشن کي سپورٽ ڪري ٿي، ۽ استعمال جي ماحول جي مطابق مختلف شڪلن سان مصنوعات ٺاهي ٿي، جيڪا نه رڳو ڌيان ڇڪائي ٿي، پر ماحول کي پڻ خوبصورت بڻائي ٿي.
