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Vdink डिजिटल नेतृत्व पोस्टर डिजिटल signage बाहिरी डिजिटल signage प्रदर्शन गर्दछ

1. The advertising machine uses an LCD display to play video advertisements, which is especially suitable for the comprehensive multimedia technology of high-end brands to deliver a full range of product information and promotional information to consumers. Different from newspapers, magazines, radio, television and other media, LCD advertising machine has a wide range of applications and remarkable effects.Vdink digital led poster digital signage displays outdoor digital signage
2. विज्ञापन मेसिनको फराकिलो दर्शकहरू छन्। विशाल मोबाइल भीड LCD विज्ञापन मेसिन दर्शकहरूको सबैभन्दा ठूलो फाइदा हो। यो सुविधाले LCD विज्ञापन मेसिनलाई फराकिलो बस्ने ठाउँ बनाउँछ, जसले LCD विज्ञापन प्रणालीलाई हावी बनाउँछ। यसको सम्भावित व्यावसायिक मूल्य कति उच्च छ, म विश्वास गर्छु कि सबैको दिमागमा छ। त्यहाँ नम्बरहरू छन्। Vdink डिजिटल नेतृत्व पोस्टर डिजिटल साइनेज बाहिरी डिजिटल signage प्रदर्शन गर्दछ
3. In the special media communication of LCD advertising machine, “passive reception” has become a big advantage. Audiences can choose when and what to watch, and change channels at any time, which is not ideal for advertising communication. The special media communication of LCD advertising machine, because of its uniqueness and compulsion, makes “monopoly” a big advantage.Vdink digital led poster digital signage displays outdoor digital signage

