Vdink affiliate marketing outdoor advertising pantallas publicidad outdoor led poster

1. The intelligent advertising machine can store a large amount of information, and the quality and accuracy of the information that can be transmitted far exceed other media, and can update or adjust information in a timely manner in response to market demand to meet customer needs in a timely and effective manner.Vdink affiliate marketing outdoor advertising pantallas publicidad outdoor led poster
2. Spreading advertisements through smart advertising machines can replace leaflets, newspapers, and TV advertisements. On the one hand, it reduces printing, mailing, and high TV advertising costs. On the other hand, CF cards and SD cards can be rewritten multiple times, reducing the cost of multiple exchanges. Loss.Vdink affiliate marketing outdoor advertising pantallas publicidad outdoor led poster
3. Il-magna tar-reklamar intelliġenti hija mibnija fuq il-bażi ta ‘tagħmir tal-midja ta’ teknoloġija għolja, u l-implimentazzjoni tal-kummerċjalizzazzjoni tax-xena għandha ċertu appoġġ tekniku biex issaħħaħ il-vantaġġ kompetittiv tas-suq u tissodisfa l-ħtiġijiet tal-kumpaniji tal-midja u l-klijenti. poster tal-pubbliċità mmexxija fuq barra

