Kjosk tal-iskrin tat-touch tal-poster diġitali Vdink ta ‘barra mmexxija mill-iskrin tar-reklamar interazzjoni gabbana

1. The touch screen all-in-one machine is a product derived from modern technology, and it is also a product that integrates modern technology and needs. Touch screen all-in-one machines are more common in public places such as banks and subways, which can meet the needs of daily work and life.Vdink digital poster touch screen kiosk outdoor led advertising screen interact kiosk
2. Il-vantaġġ ewlieni tal-magna integrata touch screen huwa li huwa konvenjenti għall-ħajja. L-input huwa konvenjenti u veloċi, teknoloġija touch, appoġġ USB interface touch screen, appoġġ funzjoni ta ‘input tal-kitba bl-idejn. Drift mingħajr mess, korrezzjoni awtomatika, tħaddim preċiż, jista ‘jintmess bis-swaba’ u pinna ratba.Vdink poster diġitali touch screen kjosk fuq barra mmexxija skrin ta ‘reklamar interazzjoni kjosk
3. The touch screen all-in-one machine achieves high definition and works without glass. The environmental requirements are not high, and the sensitivity is high. Suitable for working in a variety of environments. With a high-performance resistive touchscreen, you can click more than a million times, and you don’t need a mouse or keyboard.Vdink digital poster touch screen kiosk outdoor led advertising screen interact kiosk

