Vdink clever touch interactive whiteboard lcd android publicidad digital whiteboard

1.Vdink clever touch interactive whiteboard lcd android publicidad digital whiteboard. Looking at the entire education smart product market, under the pressure of the “double reduction” policy, the education market pays more attention to the overall solution of smart classrooms other than hardware products, and the industry needs to jointly promote the development of “soft + hardware + platform-based” product and service upgrades.
2.Vdink clever touch interattiv whiteboard lcd android publicidad whiteboard diġitali. F’termini ta ‘appoġġ għall-iżvilupp ta’ ħardwer u softwer, għandha tingħata aktar attenzjoni għall-iżvilupp ta ‘korsijiet ta’ edukazzjoni bażika, żvilupp ta ‘korsijiet ta’ edukazzjoni ta ‘kwalità, taħriġ ta’ għalliema, u żvilupp ta ‘korsijiet personalizzati għall-għalliema.
3.Vdink clever touch interactive whiteboard lcd android publicidad digital whiteboard. Enterprise products need to build a closed loop of linkage between home-school-students as the ultimate goal, and interactive teaching software as a whole, so as to realize the real intelligent transformation of education.
