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Сè-во-едно машина за конференции со интерактивна табла Vdink паметна класа

1 The whiteboard technology integrates the traditional blackboard projector and computer, and has become an important means of classroom teaching, breaking the unified teaching half and greatly improving the teaching efficiency of Qiaotang.Vdink smart class interactive whiteboard conference all-in-one machine
2 Технологијата на таблата интегрира текст, звук, слики и слики. Како нов наставен метод, водата е само корисна за интересот на учениците за учење, а историјата на учење на учениците е полесна и поудобна.
3 The whiteboard not only provides platform support for teaching on the arsenic equipment, but also the software design of the whiteboard provides our teaching with multiple functions such as “a new thinking Wh such as photography, curtain pull, hiding, resource library storage” Internet connection and so on .Bianjiaoshuai’s teaching is more convenient and interesting.Vdink smart class interactive whiteboard conference all-in-one machine
