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Vdink kiosk computer digital advertising screen digital signage touch screens

1. The ultimate purpose of the advertising machine is to occupy the advertising market share. Its advertising machine can carry out advertising communication beyond time constraints and space constraints, so that advertisements can be carried out advertising communication without time and space constraints.
2. Advertising through advertising machines can replace leaflets, newspapers, and TV advertisements. On the one hand, it can reduce the cost of printing, mailing, and expensive TV advertisements. On the other hand, CF cards and SD cards can be rewritten multiple times to reduce the loss caused by multiple exchanges. .
3. Reklāmas iekārtā tiek veikta individuāla, racionāla, patērētāja vadīta, bezkompulsīva, pakāpeniska reklāma, zemu izmaksu un humanizēta veicināšana, izvairoties no pārdevēju spēcīgas pārdošanas iejaukšanās, un Sniegt informāciju, lai izveidotu ilgtermiņa labas attiecības ar patērētājiem.
