Vdink advertising displays outdoor led advertising screen kiosk publicidad

1. With the development of informatization, many products are developing in the direction of intelligence. Advertising machine belongs to one of the intelligent products. It is presented in people’s field of vision through pictures, videos or text, and plays an advertising role.Vdink advertising displays outdoor led advertising screen kiosk publicidad
2. Soulaang et e Computer ass, deen zum Internet verbonne ka sinn, kënnt Dir zu all Moment Informatioune schécken an eng oder méi Werbemaschinn kontrolléieren. D’Werbemaschinn kann Fuerschung zu all Moment an der Distanz maachen an temporär Ënnertitelen oder Biller asetzen, a kann Split-Screen Playback, Text Scrolling, an Diversifikatioun vun der Aarbecht a Geschäftsentwécklung komplett maachen.
3. Advertising machine can be exempted from modification fees. Any form of advertisement, including printed matter, can be consistent with the TV advertisement with effective TV advertisement content before modifying the content cost. At the important link of the sales terminal, consumers are constantly reminded to buy.Vdink advertising displays outdoor led advertising screen kiosk publicidad

