Vdink digital display screen advertising player payment kiosk computer

1. Annoncéieren duerch Werbemaschinne kënnen Broschüren, Zeitungen an TV Reklammen ersetzen. Engersäits kann et Dréckerei, Post, an deier TV Reklammen Käschten reduzéieren. Op der anerer Säit kënnen CF Kaarten an SD Kaarten e puer Mol ëmgeschriwwe ginn fir de Verloscht ze reduzéieren deen duerch multiple Austausch verursaacht gëtt. .
2. The advertising machine is based on high technology as the equipment of the media company. The implementation of marketing must have certain technical support, change the traditional concept, and meet the needs of the media company and customers. The company needs to operate the advertising machine, computer technology, video editing, image Only the compound talents who are skilled in image processing can have the competitive advantage in the future market.
3. Advertising machines are widely used and can be used in large supermarkets, clubs, squares, hotels, government agencies and families. The advertising content is effective, the update speed is fast, and the content can be changed and replaced at any time.
