Vdink advertising display lcd advertising display android touchscreen floor

1. Mesin pariwara bisa ningkatake swasana lan nggawe tampilan informasi luwih jelas lan jelas. Yen operasi saben dina perusahaan sampeyan mung butuh atmosfer sing umum, mesin iklan bakal dadi pilihan sing paling apik.
2. Cara transmisi informasi digital saka mesin iklan njamin ketepatan wektu transmisi informasi, sing bisa nggawe komunikasi informasi perusahaan luwih lancar, manawa komunikasi eksternal karo pelanggan utawa komunikasi internal karo karyawan.
3. The advertising machine is mainly composed of multimedia information machine, console computer, server, network equipment and cables. Usually, information/advertising is distributed through the local area network of buildings, buildings and offices

