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Vdink publicidade pantallas de publicidade led 3d outdoor kiosco totem touch screen

1. With the advancement of social technology, outdoor advertising is rapidly transforming from traditional static billboards to dynamic digitalization. Advertising machines have been widely used because the dissemination of information is not affected by the weather and can bring good visual and auditory enjoyment.Vdink publicidad pantallas de publicidad led 3d outdoor kiosk totem touch screen
2. Advertising machines have been widely used in outdoor advertising broadcasting, outdoor public information release, outdoor media communication, touch interactive query, lamp pole advertising and other fields, and have been widely recognized.Vdink publicidad pantallas de publicidad led 3d outdoor kiosk totem touch screen
3. En aplicacións prácticas, a máquina de publicidade exterior ten as vantaxes do consumo de enerxía, un funcionamento estable a longo prazo e un amplo ángulo de visión, o que mellora o efecto publicitario. A función de reprodución altamente compatible permite visualizar vídeos ou animacións flash de varios formatos e obter o mellor efecto de reprodución.

