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Soidhnichean didseatach Vdink agus a’ taisbeanadh soidhnichean bùird sanasachd dealanach

1. This product is a digital high-definition advertising machine, with a cabinet-like appearance, the whole body is cold-rolled and sprayed, the edge is made of aluminum alloy profiles, and the high-definition LCD display.
2. Tha innealan sanasachd air an cleachdadh gu farsaing ann an lobbies togail, ospadalan, stèiseanan, taighean-òsta, fo-rathaidean, ionadan-bhùthan, taighean-bìdh, togalaichean riaghaltais agus amannan eile.
3. The advertising machine is mainly used for the publicity of multimedia information, and the playback of pictures, text, audio and video media. It is a high-end digital signage advertising machine.
