Vdink publicidad pantallas de publicidad led 3d udendørs kiosk totem touch-skærm

1. With the advancement of social technology, outdoor advertising is rapidly transforming from traditional static billboards to dynamic digitalization. Advertising machines have been widely used because the dissemination of information is not affected by the weather and can bring good visual and auditory enjoyment.Vdink publicidad pantallas de publicidad led 3d outdoor kiosk totem touch screen
2. Reklamemaskiner har været meget udbredt i udendørs reklameudsendelser, udendørs offentlig informationsudsendelse, udendørs mediekommunikation, interaktiv berøringsforespørgsel, lampestangsannoncering og andre områder, og er blevet bredt anerkendt. skærmen
3. In practical applications, the outdoor advertising machine has the advantages of energy consumption, long-term stable operation, and wide viewing angle, which makes the advertising effect better. The highly compatible playback function enables videos or flash animations of various formats to be displayed and obtain the best playback effect.Vdink publicidad pantallas de publicidad led 3d outdoor kiosk totem touch screen

