Vdink publicidad totem taktilni lcd led displej druge digitalne reklame i dodatke

1. Advertising machine is a new generation of intelligent equipment. It forms a complete advertising broadcast control system through terminal software control, network information transmission and multimedia terminal display. material for advertising.Vdink publicidad totem tactile lcd led display other digital signage and accessories
2. Mašina za oglašavanje uglavnom realizuje građevinsko/vanjsko LCD oglašavanje: odnosi se na sistem oglašavanja na komercijalnom terminalu u obliku LCD ekrana ili LCD ekrana u komercijalnim zgradama, trgovinama, supermarketima, kampusima i drugim kanalima, te emituje TV reklame i druge programe kao sredstvo izražavanja.Vdink publicidad totem taktilni lcd led displej ostali digitalni natpisi i dodaci
3. Advertising machines allow the majority of consumer groups to generate impulse buying behaviors in advertising promotions and commodity discount information. Using multimedia advertising machines, more product-related information in the mall can be displayed to consumers, stimulating consumers’ desire to buy, thereby increasing consumption. Vdink publicidad totem tactile lcd led display other digital signage and accessories

