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የቪዲንክ ኪዮስክ ማሽን ዲጂታል ምልክት አቅራቢዎች የንክኪ ማያ ገጽ ሥዕል ታብሌት ዲጂታል ምልክት

1. የማስታወቂያ ማሽኑ የሥራ ማስኬጃ ወጪዎችን መቆጠብ እና መረጃን በወቅቱ ማዘመን ይችላል።
2. Compared with the traditional print advertisement, the advertising machine solution adopts digital information transmission.
3. The advertising machine saves a lot of printing costs, shortens the waiting time and can meet the requirements of green environmental protection.
